
Tips for Buying Men’s Jewelry : Best Pieces to Get

Accessories can play a very important role in an outfit. Every man should add a few accessories like jewelry to their outfits whenever possible. Wearing Jewelry is not in any way feminine if they are the right pieces and men have been wearing them for ages. Most men resist wearing jewelry but a few pieces can help when you want to achieve a cooler and street style look. Men’s accessories like jewelry can be worn on wrists, fingers, and neck.

Why should men wear jewelry?

If you’re in the style game and care how you look, jewelry can do the magic of upgrading your basic outfits that otherwise would look boring. They will make your outfits different than others because of these details. Accessories are minor details but make a big difference.

Accessories like jewelry are easy to find and can be bought cheap or super expensive. A plain gold or silver chain can enhance an entire outfit but you don’t have to go for real gold or silver or any other precious metals. You can always find pieces that are gold or silver plated and will cost a fraction of the real ones. They can last months and even years if the plating remains.

What are some of the jewelry pieces a man should get?

1. Necklace/chain

The first thing that comes to our mind when we think about men’s jewelry is a necklace. It can be plain or with details. If buying your first chain, keep it minimal and not something bulky with crazy designs that might ruin your outfits. As we are moving toward the summer, a neck chain becomes an important and essential accessory to own in the season. With all your casual outfits in the summer, add one or two necklaces to spice them up.

Men's chain

A pearl necklace is a trendy option you can go for this year. A lot of male celebrities are seen rocking it. Make sure to never go extra with jewelry. One chain is fine most of the time and the maximum you should go for is 2 chains at once and never more than that. A plain metal chain and an artificial pearl necklace together can be worn with casual outfits.

2. Bracelets

A few bracelets (3-4) are enough to have in your wardrobe. You can wear these one, two maybe three at once on one wrist. Anything more than that would look extra. Just like the neck chains, bracelets do the job of enhancing your casual outfits.


If you wear a watch, you can wear one plain bracelet in the same hand and one or two on the other. The best way is still not wearing anything else with the watch. Avoid wearing bracelets with your formal outfits where you’re wearing a suit.
Bracelets make you look cool when you’re going for casual outfits where you’re wearing clothing pieces like button-down shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.

3. Rings

Rings are cool but not it’s necessary to always wear them. If you’re in your teen years and 20s, I’m sure a bunch of rings would be enough for years. You can wear them together with your chain and bracelets. Rings come in various sizes, types, and materials. It is better to buy rings from stores rather than online if you’re unsure about your finger’s sizes. They can be plain and minimal or with details, sometimes with a stone attached to them but we would suggest you get some plain metal rings (platinum imitation) first. You should wear one or a maximum of two in each hand.

4. Earnings

Earrings are also part of men’s jewelry but are considered stylish based on where you wear them. Wearing earrings is considered masculine in some parts of the world but maybe considered feminine and unattractive in others. Unlike chains, rings, and bracelets, earrings are not something men wear all around the world, you should wear them only if they’re considered appropriate in your city/country.

Tips for buying and wearing jewelry
1. Don’t spend too much money on one piece as there are deals online where you can get 3 or 4 bracelets in one pack at a good price. You can find these accessories at fashion stores online or at regular stores.

2. Keep it minimal when buying chains. Avoid getting any bulky neck chains or that are way too long and have crazy designs on them.

3. We would recommend not wearing jewelry when you’re wearing a suit.

4. Whatever your outfits are, don’t over-accessorize. Don’t wear way too many jewelry pieces at once.

5. The most important- You don’t always have to wear jewelry. Its true that they make your outfits more interesting but wear them only when you want to and not necessarily every time or every day.

When and what to wear jewelry with

The simple answer for when to wear jewelry is whenever you want as they can be worn all year round. When it comes to what to wear them with, the tip is to not do many pieces of jewelry with your dressy or formal outfits, like when you’re wearing suits. With casual outfits, jewelry looks matches well and does the job of enhancing the look.

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